Cycle Touring Around Glasgow: What is it and is it for me?

Keep hearing the word ‘cycle touring’ but not sure what it is and whether it is something you would enjoy? If you like being on your bike, enjoy being out in nature (for some of the day at least) and enjoy a sense of fun and adventure then the answer is probably yes! Read about what cycle touring is, the opportunities available in Glasgow and make the decision yourself. 

What is cycle touring?

Cycle touring, also known as bicycle touring or bike touring, is a form of self supported travel that involves exploring various destinations using a bike and your own pedal power! Cycle touring trips are often undertaken for pleasure, adventure or as a slower transport option and can range from single day trips to extended trips spanning weeks, months or even years. 

Cycle touring combines elements of cycling, adventure, and tourism, allowing individuals or groups to experience the world at a slower pace, immerse themselves in the surroundings, and engage with the local culture and environment during their trip. It offers a flexible and independent mode of travel, allowing cyclists to choose their own route, stop at points of interest to them and choose how little or far they would like to cycle each day. 

Cycle touring around Glasgow

Fortunately, you don’t have to travel far to get started - the tour can easily start from your front door. There are plenty of opportunities for cycle touring around Glasgow both for beginners and experienced riders, so we’re spoiled for choice!

As a beginner, trips to Loch Lomond, Falkirk or Millport are great destinations.

If you’re an experienced cyclist the opportunities are endless! Tour around Isle of Arran, explore the beautiful Aberfoyle or check out the dark skies in the Galloway Forest - only time and ability set the limits!

What do you need?

During a cycle tour, people typically carry their gear and supplies using racks, panniers, trailers or bike bags that strap straight to your bike (psst… we got equipment available to borrow - just get in touch by emailing Camping equipment, clothing, food, water, and other essential items are often packed, allowing cyclists to be self-sufficient during their journey.

However, you do not have to camp, carry all your equipment or cook your own food on your cycle tour if you don't want to. There are many different ways to do a cycle tour now a days and some cyclists opt for supported tours, where a support vehicle carries their gear and they stay in pre-booked accommodation each night. 

Ready to get started?

Sounds like something for you? If you’d like to know more about cycle touring around Glasgow, we run a Cycle Touring & Exploring Programme that takes you from a complete newbie to a ready-to-go cycle tourer. Each workshop focuses on different elements such as route planning, camping & cooking and what to wear & what to pack. We even have beginner and intermediate cycle tours available. You can read more about the different workshops and get signed up here.


Women on Wheels on Tour 🚴‍♀️🚴‍♀️


That’s a wrap! End of year reflections