Ride Bright

For International Women’s Day

Change their outdoor

activity routines during

the winter months

Are you glancing behind you to ensure you are not being followed?

Are you changing your route to avoid unlit paths?

Many women have to take precautions to stay safe when walking, running or cycling at night.

We want to change that.

Safe cycling at night

Here’s how you can take part

Join us and Ride Bright for International Women’s Day

Saturday 8th March, 5.30pm meeting at St Enoch Square


  • The ride starts at St Enoch Square.

  • The ride finishes at 72 Charlotte Street, G1 5DW. It’s the old Wise Women’s building (the one with the container-looking structure on top) at the corner of Greendyke Street and Charlotte Street right by Glasgow Green.

  • There is lovely free food prepared by Milk at the finish. If you want a wee snack or hot drink before the ride there are plenty of cafes and shops nearby St Enoch Square.

  • Yes the ride is free to attend! To gauge numbers we ask that you sign up via Plinth. On Plinth you will also be asked if you are planning on joining us for free food after the ride. This is to ensure we have enough food for everyone.

  • There are plenty of bike parking at the venue. We will have women patrolling the area to ensure the bikes are safe. However, we cannot be liable for your bike so please make sure to bring along a good lock.

  • At the start, the nearest public toilets are at Glasgow Central or alternatively you may visit one of the nearby cafes and use one of theirs. There are toilet facilities at the venue at the finish.