Donate Now

At Women on Wheels we believe every woman should be able to take up cycling. Unfortunately, many women face numerous barriers to get started such as financial barriers. That’s why we offer a ‘Pay as you can’-model in which women who can’t afford to take part won’t have to pay a penny, no questions asked. This is part of our approach to making cycling accessible to all women.

However, we still have costs associated with our services. Your support and donations enable us to support more women and offer more services to our community.

Your support goes a long way - check out what your donation will allow us to do:

£10 will allow a woman to learn to ride a bike in a group lesson

£35 will go towards a one-to-one beginners or a get-back-on-a-bike cycling lesson

£50 will pay for cycle instructor costs for a 2-hour confidence-building ride for 8 women

£100 will pay for a 2.5-hour maintenance class for 4 women

£200 pays for 1 year’s website hosting and 2 years’ URL costs

£400 will allow us to buy a fleet bike that we can loan out to 12 people a year for a month’s trial

£500 will help train up to 8 women as Ride Leaders

£850 will pay towards rent, utilities and security of our premises for 1 month.

£1500 will help train up to 8 women as Cycle Instructors so they can each begin to teach others to cycle

A group of women stand holding bikes.
Puncture repair session