Where it all started and our 2022 highlights

*We launched digitally on International Women's Day and raised £6,368 in our crowdfunder thanks to our wonderful community.

* With that fund we were then able to source a premises and open our doors to the public on 27th May and what a wonderful 7 months it has been! Hundreds of women and their families joined for our launch day of cycling fun with lessons, led rides, Dr Bike, games, competitions, speakers and lots of food and cake.

* Straight after we started our weekly cycling programme with group lessons and confidence building led ride programme - running 3 times a week all delivered by qualified, experienced and passionate volunteers. 

* In July we offered our first monthly maintenance class which was fully booked within days and we very quickly progressed onto weekly maintenance classes. 

* In August as part of Govanhill Festival we took our services to Queens Park and offered a whole day of taster sessions for women to get them cycling. We offered hourly drop in lessons, led rides, maintenance classes as well as Dr Bike and arts and crafts to keep whole families entertained. We ended the day with a speaker event and a short inspirational cycling movie. We engaged with 300 plus at the festival!

* We took a group of new cyclists to Millport to cycle around Cumbrae, many had only learned to cycle that summer! 

* We taught the gorgeous Maya Elliott to cycle ( a talented opera singer in Glasgow rehearsing for the UK Staged Premier and Tour of “Ainadamar”

* We did our first long ride to Bowlin Basin and back ( 26 miles) and nobody took the train back!

* We were proud to attend Scottish Parliament in September at the Racism in Sport rally and debate - speaking out for equalities in sport.

* Up until October we were run and managed entirely by volunteers supported by some sessional staff. Holly Barwick joined the team as Women's Activities Coordinator and has hit the ground running with launching lots more cycling initiatives.

* On Holly's first day, Partick Harvie popped in for a chat!

* We ran a lament bike ride to mark the Cop26 anniversary. 

* We launched our loan bike library offering women and families an opportunity to try a bike and accessories for up to a month before purchasing their own. We now offer various sized bikes as well as a trailer and child seat.  

* We started our new cycle touring programme to encourage women to take part in their first ever cycle tour and plan to take a group of women on a first overnight trip in April 2023

* We were recognised and celebrated at many cycling events and were asked to speak at Active Travel Strategy launch by Glasgow City Council and also showcased our work globally at the UCI Bike City Forum.

* We met the inspirational Paralympian Melanie Nicholls at a Cycling Conference - we hope to have her at our Hub one day.

* In November as the winter and darkness descended  we offered a Winter Wheeler session to get women confident cycling in all weathers and most importantly in the dark!

* We ended the year with a service design session with some young women with a view to developing a teen cycling programme for 2023. 

In a short 7 months we have worked with 193 women since our launch either by:

* teaching them to cycle

* getting them confident on a led ride

* encouraging active travel through route navigation and bike buddy support

* upskilling them through beginners maintenance classes covering puncture repairs etc.

* Come to a bike bike touring, or speaker or film event.

We really could not have done it without our community, support and especially our funders and give thanks to everyone of them!


Embrace the Joy of Cycling: Join the Exciting Women on Wheels Cycling Festival!