Cycling with Wee Ones: What Equipment to Choose?

Cycling is not just a fun activity for adults; it can also be a brilliant experience for the whole family, including your wee ones. If you're itching to hit the road with your kids in tow, you've come to the right place! As parents ourselves, we at Women on Wheels have learned first hand some of the tips and tricks for cycling as a family - read on as we explore the various equipment options available to make your rides safe, comfortable, and fun.


Trailers are like mini-carriages for your bike, providing a comfortable and secure space for your child to enjoy the ride. These nifty contraptions come in single or double versions, so you can bring along one or two passengers. With a sturdy frame and weather-resistant materials (much needed in Glasgow!), trailers are perfect for longer rides where your kids might need a nap or a snack break. Here at Women on Wheels we have two trailers for hire and you can borrow one for up to a month on our ‘Pay What You Can’ model which starts from £0 - £50. Our trailers come with proper safety harnesses and reflective elements for added visibility. It’s a good idea to give a piece of equipment like this a try before you buy, to make sure it’s right for you. Contact Katherine here for more information about our Bike and Equipment Loan Service.
Woman with bike with bike trailer

Bike Seats

Child bike seats attach directly to your bike's frame or rear rack. They offer a more interactive experience for your child, allowing them to see and engage with the surroundings. Bike seats are typically designed for children between the ages of 1 and 5, with adjustable safety harnesses to keep your little one secure. We have two bike seats for loan at Women on Wheels - with the option of both front and rear fittings. Our staff are knowledgeable and experienced to fit them to your bike or you can loan one of our bikes with the seat attached too. If you’re thinking of buying one, be sure to check the weight limit and compatibility with your bike before purchasing.


Pedaling together with a ‘Tagalong’, also known as trail-a-bikes, are perfect for kids who are too big for a bike seat but not quite ready to ride on their own. These clever contraptions attach to the back of your bike, allowing your child to pedal along while you steer. Tagalongs are a great way to introduce your kids to the world of cycling, teaching them balance and coordination while still enjoying your guidance. For more information contact our Families Coordinator, Katherine, who will talk you through how they work.

Balance Bikes

Building Fundamental Skills Before your kids are ready to hit the trails with you, consider starting them off with balance bikes. These pedal-less bikes help children develop essential balance and coordination skills, making the transition to a regular bike much smoother. Balance bikes are a fantastic way to build confidence in your little riders, and they're very fun too! Come along to one of our Family Learn to Rides, where you can learn to cycle and try different sized bikes together as a family. We have kids balance bikes available to loan - so get in touch here.
Boy on balance bike


Safety First, always. No matter which equipment you choose, safety should be your top priority. Invest in high-quality helmets that fit your child snugly and comfortably. Make wearing helmets a non-negotiable rule for every ride, setting a great example for your kids to follow. Also remember to replace a helmet if it has had a big bash - it will have developed a weak point from the impact. We have a collection of kids helmets from age 1+ which are available to try for size before buying.
Girl with blue helmet

Clothing and Accessories

Comfort is key when it comes to cycling with kids. Dress your little ones in weather-appropriate clothing and consider bringing along blankets or cushions for added cosiness. Don't forget essentials like water bottles, sunscreen, and snacks to keep your adventurers happy and hydrated.
Well there we have it - some top tips on how to get started! Cycling with your kids is a fantastic way to create lasting memories and instill a love for outdoor activities from an early age. By choosing the right equipment – whether it's a trailer, bike seat, tagalong, or balance bike – you're setting the stage for countless fun adventures together. Women on Wheels are on a mission to break down barriers to cycling and we believe no family should miss out on this joyful experience.

Any questions or queries - get in touch with our team and we’ll be happy to help!


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